Innovation & Product Development

Inspire and accelerate growth through innovation

Successful innovation needs to grow portfolio sales , and build brand equity. To do this, it must base on understanding of people.

We help our clients prioritise strategic opportunities grounded in deep human understanding, showing them where to play and how to win, following the 4 pillars of the new world of innovation:

  • Learn, test and learn
  • People and context
  • Brand centricity
  • Effective execution

We use testing approaches, and apply the latest behavioural science thinking , to deliver on the whole process: from scoping the opportunity to testing  and building winning propositions, to optimising launch success.

Our state-of-the-art platform, Kantar Marketplace helps to accelerate the innovation journey.

Prioritising winning concepts

Concept eValuate is a suite of concept testing solutions that identifies new product ideas with the most potential to succeed in market and generate top-line business growth

You need to screen ideas at the same pace as their generation

Idea eValuate is identifying the ideas that will really engage people and drive growth for your business.

Pinpointing opportunities for growth

Improve your innovation success rates dramatically with Matrix, our systematic approach to identifying and prioritising incremental growth opportunities at the very start of the innovation journey.

Developing superior products

Product eValuate is a suite of product testing solutions that helps you optimise your products for launch. It evaluates product performance in context and identifies improvements that will maximise growth

Optimize your packaging to drive brand success

Pack eValuate help you optimise your packaging to drive brand success

Building winning market scenarios

ValueManager is a choice modelling tool that identifies the combinations of product features and price that appeal the most to consumers, helping you align your pricing strategy with their value perceptions.

Get the insights you need to build your brand

Accelerate consumer understanding with a market research platform designed for marketing agility.




Mila Grigorova

Brand and Innovation Lead

Offer Development

Create, screen, package and launch new products and services that will deliver incremental growth and build your brand.