Key research tools

Our unique portfolio of tools helps us uncover insights that inform your decision-making. Supported by our experts’ knowledge of your business, we tailor solutions to help you drive growth for your business.

Concept eValuate

Concept eValulate uses growth potential (incrementality) as the key criteria for concept screening, focusing your investment on ideas with the best topline growth. Its diagnostics then help to improve these winning ideas.

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Brand structure analysis

Built around Kantar’s Brand Equity framework and drawing on unique learnings, we explore all of the interrelationships between the brand associations and how these ladder up to drive Brand equity and or sales either directly or indirectly.

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Link Suite

Knowing exactly how your ad will perform and how to improve it is essential before spending media budget for a good return on investment and future brand success

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Consumers experience brands in more ways than ever before, and every moment has the potential to change their attitude and behaviour towards your brand.

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Brand Equity Solutions

As brands compete for share of mind and spend in an ever-changing market, building and sustaining a position of strength is essential to retain and grow existing customer relationships, attract new ones, and explore untapped opportunities.

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Kantar Marketplace

Accelerate consumer understanding with a market research platform designed for marketing agility. Whether you’re working on a campaign or a new product innovation, Kantar Marketplace has a solution to deliver the insights you need - with results in as little as a few hours.

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NeedScope helps you develop and optimise your brand positioning and manage the drivers of irresistibility across the touchpoints and moments that matter.

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relationshipTRI*M helps you create stronger customer loyalty by unlocking the unique code that lies at the heart of every successful customer relationship.

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