Customer relationships assessment

Measures of customer relationships, such as NPS, TRIM or else, are essential to understand the strength of your customer base.

TRI*M is our exclusive approach to help you understand what customers expect from you with what delivers truly profitable growth for your business.

Questions that relationship TRI*M can answer:

  • How strong are my customer relationships?
  • Which moments and touchpoints are crucial in building customer relationships?
  • How strongly (and why) are my customers attracted to competitors?
  • What influence does my customers’ experience have on their future behaviour?

Key benefits of using TRI*M:

  •  Helps you manage all important aspects ts of your customer experiences
  •  Pinpoints exactly where you need to focus investment to drive customer relationship strength and business performance
  • Helps transform the way you treat your customers




Silviya Simeonova

Customer Experience and Analytics Lead

CX Close-The-Loop Management

Improve your customer relationships, build loyalty and reduce churn