Kantar Marketplace

Get the insights you need to build your brand

Kantar Marketplace is a market research platform that combines agile research, powerful analytics and deep brand-building expertise to accelerate consumer insights and unlock growth.

Kantar Marketplace as an innovation platform helps our clients effectively accelerate their development and instill best practice in a shifting environment where brands need a more agile, flexible, and collaborative innovation process.

Issues that Marketplace can solve:

  • Ad testing and development
  • Innovation and product development
  • Media planning and effectiveness
  • Brand insights

Solutions we can offer:

  • Always-on learning system shared across the enterprise
  • Modern, easy-to-use platform enables rapid, iterative learning
  • Flexible service models so you can do-it-yourself, get light project assistance or add consultancy when you need it
  • Slick, user-friendly visual analytics for rapid, iterative learning
  • Insights backed by machine learning, meta-analysis across dataset




Mila Grigorova

Brand and Innovation Lead

Anton Valkovski

Brand and Innovation Lead

Get the insights you need to build your brand at speed

Accelerate consumer understanding with a market research platform designed for marketing agility.