North Star

Specify your North Star on your journey to CX Maturity

The path to customer centricity is complex. At the start of the CX maturity journey  a brand should build successful transformation foundations  – a CX vision, values and strategy, and related steps to the promised customer experience.

Build your North Star – the foundation to mastering CX

The Why

  • A CX Vision for customer experience you want to stand for, aligned to your brand promise
  • A vision statement aiming to communicate the company aspirations and ambitions
  • Explaning the destination – any  CX transformation needs customers and employees understanding where the brand wants to be

The What

  • CX values are the company’s fundamental beliefs and the building blocks for the customer-centric DNA

The How

  • A CX Strategy, a continuously reviewed and updated roadmap of CX initiatives and activities
  • Embedded across the entire operational system of the organisation.




Silviya Simeonova

Customer Experience and Analytics Lead

Stefina Madjarova

Qualitative Lead